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AbbVie supports disclosure and transparency on interactions between the healthcare industry and healthcare professionals to ensure public trust and confidence.

Working With Healthcare Professionals

AbbVie supports disclosure and transparency on interactions between the healthcare industry and healthcare professionals to ensure public trust and confidence.

In alignment with the member companies of Medicines Australia, AbbVie has undertaken to be open and transparent when we provide a reportable payment to a healthcare professional or a third party as directed by a healthcare professional. Reportable payments or transfers of value are:

  • Payments for the provision of services such as giving a lecture, chairing an educational meeting, providing advice as a member of an Advisory Board or as a Consultant
  • Airfares, accommodation and/or conference registration fees to attend medical education or as part of the provision of services.

AbbVie has prepared the report for publication in accordance with the Medicines Australia Code of Conduct, Edition 19 and Australia’s Privacy legislation. The report identifies healthcare professionals by name where their consent has been provided. Where consent has not been provided, the information is reported in aggregate.

From 1 October 2016, reporting of these payments is mandatory.

The report is designed to be read on this website. It is also provided as a downloadable CSV file.

To comply with our privacy obligations, the report may be amended from time to time. The report here contains the most up to date information. Any use or disclosure of the data by a third party is the responsibility of that third party, who must comply with the Australian Privacy Act 1988.

For further information about the details in the report, please go to

This report will be available for at least three years from the date of publication.

Working With Patient Groups

AbbVie collaborates and co-creates with the groups working with and representing patients. The grants we provide patient groups to support their ongoing work can be found here.

  • Reporting Period 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021 can be viewed by clicking here.
  • Reporting Period 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022 can be viewed by clicking here.
  • Reporting Period 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023 can be viewed by clicking here.


Working With Government

AbbVie engages with the Australian Government to participate, as appropriate, in ongoing discussions on the healthcare environment, including access to medicines and healthcare reform. AbbVie contributes to these by sharing global knowledge, insights, and safety and efficacy data, as appropriate, on relevant therapies. AbbVie does not provide cash donations to political parties in Australia. As part of our engagement with Government we attend and occasionally sponsor political events and roundtable discussions where public policy on the healthcare environment is discussed.

In 2021, our expenditure in attending political events was:

Labor: $26,400
Coalition: $45,280
Total: $71,680

In 2022, our expenditure in attending political events was:

Labor: $12,000
Coalition: $15,553
Total: $27,553

In 2023, our expenditure in attending political events was:

Labor: $15,000
Coalition: $13,636
Total: $28,636